Hello Athletes!

We are absolutely thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the inaugural India Paddle Festival, set to unfold from March 8th to 10th, 2024, amidst the breathtaking backdrop of Sasihitlu Beach in Mangalore, Karnataka.

Prepare yourselves for an extraordinary experience as we gear up for the International Stand-up Paddling Championship, where you’ll join fellow enthusiasts from across the globe to showcase your skills and share your passion for the sport.

But this festival isn’t just about competition; it’s a jubilant celebration of sports and culture. Picture yourself not only conquering the waves but also immersing in the unparalleled beauty of Mangalore’s pristine beaches and indulging in the rich tapestry of Indian culture.

With a generous collective prize pool of around 12,000 USD and the potential for even more, your participation guarantees not only thrilling competition but also the opportunity to create lasting memories and forge new friendships.

We eagerly anticipate your presence as we come together to ride the waves, share laughter, and savor an unforgettable weekend at the India Paddle Festival. See you there!

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** Categorie(s) must have a minimum of 6 participants to conduct the race.
** Community race is meant to encourage all SUP enthusiasts to participate (This category is for all ages)
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